Northern Dexter Cattle Archive 2011 Page. |
N.E Dexter Group by invitation from the
North of England Aberdeen Angus Calf Show
Thirsk Auction Mart. Nov 2011
Dexter Calf Show Results
Judge Mrs Carol Clarke |
Class 1 ( 1 - 6 mths) No entries. |
Class 2 ( 6 - 12 mths) 6 entries
1st Planetree Semele K Darnbrook
2nd Planetree Endymion K Darnbrook
3rd Nentsberry steer A Ingleson
4th Steer S Sykes
5th Nentsberry Molly A Ingleson
6th Needles Hall Lollfana J.P Child |
Class 3 (12 - 18 mths) 6 entries
1st Reedshaw Buttons S Sykes
2nd Planetree Titan K Darnbrook
3rd Eagleridge Red Rasha A Gates
4th Eagleridge Honey Bee A Gates
5th Nentsberry Angela A Ingleson
6th Nentsberry Carrie A Ingleson |
Class 4 Heifer 18 - 24 mths 2 entries
1st Planetree Scary K Darnbrook
2nd Nentsberry Della 2nd A Ingleson |
Champion Planetree Semele
Res. Champion Reedshaw Buttons |
Sunday 25th. Sept. Herd Visit. |
This year our annual herd visit was jointly hosted by Steve & Phil Myhill and Christine & Pat Hodgson, on the last week end in September. We had a great turn out with thirty one members and guests arriving at Steve & Phil farm at Sunk Island, Nr Hull for the start of our visit. Sunk Island is part of the piece of land which runs along the Humber estuary on the Hull side and the land is very flat and almost entirely arable except for small pockets of grassland. The Myhills farm is so close to the sea you can see the North Sea Ferries coming into Hull.
Although the day set of wet it faired up in time for coffee and cakes before we went to look at Steve & Phil’s Dexter’s. The first group of cattle were a mixture of cows, calves & older heifers and their non short stock bull, Phil had given them some hay so that they happily munched away while we all had a good look at them. Despite a year when many of us have been short of grass all the stock looked very well. |
The two cows who had recently calved were them admired and I saw several members admiring some of the farm machinery, I think it is every male’s small holders dream to have a little tractor. Some of Phil & Steve’s grazing is away from home so before we moved of to view the next group it was decided we would have lunch first.
The next group consisted of steers and a couple of heifers which where destined for the food chain, they seemed very content grazing upon the land round what had been a lookout during the war and apart from viewing the cattle we all had a look out at the old building that where sadly being left to decay. I’m sure the cattle found them useful, as shelter when the weather blew in from the sea and Chris & Phil had some ready made compounds for gathering them up for loading when they took them home. |
We them proceeded on to look at the last group of cows and older heifer calves all looking very content in a large field of grass, I expect Steve & Phils neighbors wondered about the long convoy of vehicles as the area is very sparsely populated so I expect such a number of cars is not very common place.
We them proceeded over to Beverley to view Christine & Chris Dexter’s. Christine and Pat have built their herd up to over 60 cattle and are running two bulls their senior bull is Kirise Treacle, who was one of their first calves to arrive in 2002. Their herd is almost entirely black but they did have a young red bull running with a cow and calf,but I didn’t make a note of his breeding. |
I was interested to see that they still had Eagleridge Lily who they purchased from me in 2002 as one of their foundation cattle. She is now 13yrs old and looked very well. Apart from the cattle they also have sheep which are a mixture of Suffolk ewes, a couple of Mashams and the rest are mules. They run two Hampshire Down tups (Teddy & Thomas) and find they get good lambs from this combination Christine has recently opened a farm shop on the 2nd and 4th weekend in the month selling their own beef and lamb. Quite a few of our members took some of her meat home to try. They are also do bed & breakfast for pigs and had recently got a new consignment of little pigs which drew quite a crowd as they where having a fine time with some large straw bales. I think I can safely say that everyone enjoyed the day and a big thank you to the Myhills & the Hodgson for inviting us all to look at their lovely Dexter’s.
If you would like to host a herd visit in 2012 please get in touch with the secretary. |
Yorkshire Show 2011 |
The main winners where as follows.
Champion Darnbrooks Planetree Talos
Res Champion Emmersons Holmside Patience
Junior Champion Darnbrooks Planetree Hestia
Res Jun Champion Wiltshires Cosmos Oberon
Full results will be in the group’s next newsletter. |
Due to it being very difficult to get good photos of the winners we have put together a selection of the competitors at the Yorkshire Show for you to enjoy. |
Calf Show 2011. |
For the seconded time we held our calf show & social at Thirsk Auction Mart.
The show & social was reasonably well attended and I think I can say that everyone had an enjoyable day. Our judge Mr Paul Harrison took time to explain his placing’s and this was well received by all attending. This year we had two new exhibitors which was what our calf show is all about, Unfortunately some of our regulars where not able to attend for personal reasons, so our numbers where similar to last year. We are grateful to Graham Hunt who brought along some of his show team to encourage new members to have ago at showing, and one delighted lady handled one of Grahams to reserve Champion, so hopefully we might see her again with one of her own in the ring.
Mr & Mrs Medley owned the Champion calf and this was their first venture into the show ring. May this will be the first win of many.
Class 1 winning calf under 6mths S Sykes Hill Grove Fred
Class 2 winning calf under 12mths Mr & Mrs Medley Reedshaw Petal
Class 3 winning calf under 18mths Northbrook Red Roxy handled by Mrs Crossland
Champion Calf Reedshaw Petal
Reserve Champion Northbrook Red Roxy
Class 4 Cow accompany calf Sykes Hill Grove Jemma
Class 5 Heifer 18 -24 mths Northbrook heifer handled by member
A full breakdown of all the class placing’s will be in the next newsletter. |
Champion Heifer Reedshaw Petal |
Under six months class. |
Under twelve months class Judges final look. |
First Reedshaw Petal |
Second Northbrook Heifer. |
Toadhole Paul and Nentsberry Carrie. |
Under eighteen months class. |
The Challenge Reedshaw Petal. |
Northbrook Red Roxy and Hill Grove Fred. |
Champion Reedshaw Petal. |
Champion Reedshaw Petal.
Reserve Champion Northbrook Red Roxy. |
N.E Dexter Group AGM 26th March 2011 |
Our AGM was rescheduled for March this year, due to the bad weather and this resulted in us having a record turn out of 37 members, plus guests giving us a total of 43 people attending. As we had no new members standing for the committee places, our committee remains the same. We have some lovely trophies for our Show league competition and the
Supreme CHAMPION this year was Plane Tree Talos owned by S & K Darnbrook the Reserve Supreme Champion was Hill Grove Jemma owned by Sheila Sykes. a list of all the placings will be in the next newsletter. |
Mr Paul Dixon judged our photo competition this year and his Champion animal was Sheila Sykes’s cow Hill Grove Jemma with reserve going to Amy Harrison’s heifer Toadhole Candy. I was very disappointed with the response to the photo competition this year as I had only received photo’s from two members by the closing date.
With the judged booked and all the lovely rosettes ordered I had to chase round the members to submit photo’s, other wise we would not have had such a lovely display of photo’s for our judge. The photo’s are so popular with everyone attending the AGM and it is a great way to show case your herd as it is the animal not the photo which is judged.
The meal was once again excellent and I think everyone who attended had a very enjoyable day. As this was the third year we have been at the Millstones a vote was taken to decide if we should continue holding our AGM’s at this venue and all were in favour of returning in 2012.
I hope you enjoy the looking at some of the winning photo’s unfortunately several members took their 2nd prize photo’s home so I was not able to include them in the line up.
Ann Gates
Hon Sec. |
Photo Competion 2011. |
Class 1 Calf under six months 1st. Steer Calf. S & K Darnbrook
Class 2 Heifer under 24 mths 1st. Toadhole Candy. Amy Harrison
Class 2 Heifer under 24 mths 2nd. Plane Tree Siren. S & K Darnbrook
Class 3 Cow 1st. Hill Grove Jemma. Sheila Sykes
Class 4 Bull or Steer under 24 mths. 1st. Steer Ann Gates
Class 5 Senior Bull 1st. Plane Tree Talos S & K Darnbrook
Class 5 Senior Bull 2nd. Windyknowe Florestan Carol Neilson
Class 6 Comedy or Cute 1st. I will catch that Cat. Ann Gates
Class 6 Comedy or Cute 2nd. Are you sure she is mine. P & S Myhill
Champion Hill Grove Jemma. Sheila Sykes
Reserve Champion Toadhole Candy. Amy Harrison