Welcome to the Northern Dexter Group.
Dexter Cattle Home Page. |
The purpose of this website is to keep our members in touch and to promote the wonderful little Dexter Cattle which brings us all together.
If you already have Dexter Cattle why not join our Northern Dexter Group and share all your knowledge with like-minded people.
If you wish to join the Northern Dexter Group you can download a membership form here.
If you are thinking about adding some cattle to your life and only have a small acreage Dexter’s may just be the breed you are looking for. |
Dexter Cattle come in three colours, black is the most popular colour and is the main colour you will see in the show ring, red is the next colour with dun being the colour not so frequently seen. |
We do have some herds that prefer just the one colour black being by far the most popular colour. However some herds do prefer red or dun, or a mixture of all three colours. Check out our photo competition winners to see all three colours |
Dexters also come in two size’s, short is the most frequently sized dexter seen in the show ring, and non short which is the most popular size among our members who are only interested in keeping dexters for the enjoyment with the bonus of wonderful beef from their surplus animals. |
If you are looking to purchase a Dexter or Dexter beef check out our Market place for animals available or go to our links page for members who have websites and may have animals available.
I hope you will enjoy looking at our site. As a group we try to cater for all the different interests of our members. The object was and still is to share information and views about the ups and downs of keeping Dexter’s.
Check out our group news page to learn more about our group’s activities. |